Steve Richter Art Newsletter
Check out the December Steve Richter Art Newsletter! Click on the link below: http://us5.campaign-archive1.com/?u=462be76768b79aca00a24bbc0&id=65b517e7fd
Check out the December Steve Richter Art Newsletter! Click on the link below: http://us5.campaign-archive1.com/?u=462be76768b79aca00a24bbc0&id=65b517e7fd
This is a drawing I did sometime in the last couple months, trying out different playful ways of advertising my books. As of two days ago, the Atomic Trilogy is now complete, and this simple conversation suddenly becomes meaningful! Enjoy!
Some of you don’t believe me when I say that my cat helps me choose winners in the Cartoon Caption Contests. Here is actual footage of my cat choosing the Grand Prize Winner of 2012 from a hat.