If you’ve never played before, here’s how it works: Think up a caption for the cartoon below and enter it with your name and email in the “Leave a Reply” box below. My cat and I will choose winners on Tuesday. Check back periodically to see what others have written. Have fun!

“Another tourist!”
No one’s gonna believe the punchline!
She says she’s looking for someone named “Starkist”
Well that’s weird. Darwin said he saw an egg float by earlier.
He says he’s from Kentucky and trying to escape from a Colonel.
“You told me this was a formal event, now I feel overdressed!”
I tell you, he’s too chicken to come over here and fight.
I always knew you were kinky but…a 3 some? Really?
I think this takes “free roam” a little too far.
Well, he says he can “fly” but he only ever does it just to prove that he can.
“We’re in for some fowl weather.”
NOW I know why he crossed the road!
Just like a man to not ask for directions…..
Is that a wild arc-chic!?
“I guess Bill is taking this casual Friday thing pretty seriously”
Uncle Leroy always was an odd one…
That’s strange, he never turns in to a chicken when he drinks Santa brand decaffeinated coffee!
To get to the other side
I always knew you were a breast man.
I’m so tired of seafood. I thought we’d try something different for dinner tonight.
And just how are you going to get to prom? I don’t even think he can swim.
It’s a reality we are just going to have to face. Your brother is trans.
Well, the DNA test confirms it, I’m Luke’s father.
Usually your ads are really on point, Bob, but I just don’t get it. Chicken of the Sea?
Don’t you go complaining about dinner. Do you know how hard it is to find a cow small enough for our ice floe?
“OMG, Beaky, look at her cluck…”
“It’s easy. Just go over there and say, ‘My partner and I noticed you from across the berg…'”
…and then a rock fell outta its butt, but it wasn’t a rock!!! It split open and ALIEN OOZE came out!!!
“Well, shit, there goes the neighborhood.”
He’s not in Kansas anymore!
“That must be the chicken iceberg salad you ordered.”
I dunno, Frank, must be an existential crisis. All he keeps saying is “to the other side, to the other side.”
I bet she can’t swim to save her life
I don’t think this was the “other side” he was looking for!
I told you to sit on the egg until I got back but now someone has obviously switched them!
Why does he keep yelling hockey stats for the Reds?
He muttered something about how he should have taken a left at Albuquerque?
There’s another sucker who bought into the new timeshare.
Yes, that’s right. I’m opening a Chick-fil-A.
There’s a new pecking order.
Chiguin? Penchik? Pengowl? Bob?
I know I said I was lonely and wanted a chick but really, is that the best you could do?
You do realize I’m vegan, right?
“It’s called global warming, Gladys.”
I thought we were waiting for Godot?
I thought he would be taller.
She might look finger lickin’ good but you don’t have any fingers.
I didn’t think she’d find me here.
Is it casual Friday already?
I never wear feathers after Labor Day.
You got sea legs? No. That chic has got see legs. See Leggs! Huba Huba.
You’ve heard of Pheasanr under Glass, well this is Fowl on Flow.
This Farmer’s Market really gives you the freshest eggs.
Mildred, I’m so happy, we can now adopt.
I know you’re desperate Stan but I don’t think a mail order bride is the answer.
Told ya! You owe me ten bucks!
“Remember that hobo from that Bugs Bunny “8 Ball Bunny” cartoon .. ??? Well … our hides are saved, now that he’s here …
“He figured this was better than staying on the Alaska cruise and confirming his suspicions about tonight’s coq au vin special.”
“Now … if we only had a beer can. And a bar-be-que …”
Uh oh, there’s my Tinder date. Don’t let him see me.
“Now I can go as something else other than a penguin to the Halloween party!”
“The nerve! You don’t see us scoping out chicken coops for something new, do you?”
I couldn’t afford an alarm clock.
“Bog gok bee gok” means “I love you.”