If you’ve never played before, here’s how it works. Think up your own original caption for the cartoon below, and submit it at the bottom of the page under “Leave a Repy”. My cat and I will choose the winning captions on Monday. Check back periodically to see what others have written. Have fun!

Napkins … ?!? Come on, Phil … you were born in a barn!
Just cuz you’re a pig, doesn’t mean you gotta eat like one. Stop hogging all the food!
“Do you think we should tell him we are tired of this slop?”
Who cares if you’re lactose intolerant … it’s slop … !!!
I’d get it while the gettin’s good and not worry about salt and pepper …
You’re telling me you eat from this trough every day, and don’t think about the Roman Empire?
Fine. Next time I’ll check “no-contact delivery”. Happy?
Yeah, it’s only 220 calories per serving, but there are “about 900 servings per trough”. That’s how they get you.
It’s been over 6 years since I dated him, but if it’s that big of a deal to you we can ask for a different server.
They say this slop is the most “authentic” in town, but as far as I can tell it just takes longer and costs more.
Can you believe Michelin gave this place 5 stars?
I just recently started reading “Animal Farm” and I have
a feeling it’s about to get really good!
I really just come here for the ambience.
I really just come here for the ambience but the food is outstanding, too.
Do you mind chewing with your mouth closed? You’re making me sick over here!
Do I taste saffron? Is that saffron?
I told you he had a spaceship stuck on his head!
Yes Wilbur, for the 100th time, it IS locally sourced slop!
“I got delivery.”
“Wait a sec… Is this gluten free?”
Yes, I know it’s not Tuesday and obviously I know this isn’t Tacos. But he’s wearing that stupid sombrero so just go with it amigo.
“Seriously? Leftovers again.”
“Tastes like bacon.”
“Ok then..I triple dog dare you.
I like this new delivery service.
My dietician says there is no such thing as bad food but…
I thought you meant Hannibal, Missouri.
It does have a subtle hint of CSI:SVU doesn’t it?
Really Fred? You want to put Ranch dressing on this too?
“Livin’ the dream”
“We’re gonna need a bigger trough.”
“Slop…. Why’s it always gotta be slop?”
I LOVE the smell of slop in the morning!
Shhhh, just eat it! I heard she left him for a chef.
Don’t forget to tip the server!
Where’s the beef?
More of this DIY cartoon slop? The cartoonist must really be desperate!
“You know what they call this in France?,,,Le slop.”
🎵Safelight repair! Safelight replace! 🎵
“You know, I’m thinking this is a great night to order a veggie pizza.”
“Do you think they have a gluten-free option? I really don’t feel like spending the night on the toilet.”
Now why you order this? I thought you had taste
He said it’s ‘Ground Hog Day’ and that’s just gross