If you’ve never played before, here’s how it works. Look at the cartoon below and think up your own original caption and enter it below in the “Leave a Reply” box. My cat and I will choose winning captions on Monday the 22nd of January. Check back occasionally to see what others have written. Enjoy!

Spike, you need to have a root canal and Karen needs to pay for it.
“We’re looking for a new dentist.”
Ok give the cat back. Bad Dino
Use one wrong pronoun and they get ugly.
This is the only potential candidate I could find who is older than Joe Biden.
Sorry, I’m just a straight white male who tries to see both sides of an issue.
He gets so jealous. All I asked is if he saw my thesaurus.
Here is the typical Ohio State fan after Michigan won the National Championship in football.
Woohoo! GO BLUE!!!
Before Cleveland changed their name to the Guardians, this was going to be their new mascot.
How was I supposed to know that mailmen are their natural enemy?
All I said was that I tried being a vegan a couple years ago.
He’s only 5 in monster years!
Make pets great again!
He’s my emotional support monster.
“I was happy when you wanted to take home the kitten. I was okay with the puppy. I wasn’t pleased when you just had to adopt the red tailed boa constrictor, but I relented. But this? I just have to say no.”
“Oh, okay. We can adopt her. But the litter box will be on you.”
I really hope the spare key is at home.
People will think that you are cool if you put your head in there.
I’m tired of composting.
Say ‘allo to my little friend.
I’m sorry Linda, it turns out that I’m not available to pet sit after all.
” I said he could sing Barb, I didn’t say he could sing well!”
He has delusions of grandeur- thinks he’s Godzilla.
I know this is Hollywood but plastic surgery for your dog!?! Just for a movie.
The instructions say, “Will kill, maim, mutilate, and destroy,” but I’m using it to do my taxes.
Although there are many competing theories about what killed off the dinosaurs, it was actually this fellow’s breath that did it. He’s called Halitosisaurus.
He’s always so testy when I win at checkers that called him a “Mega-sore-ass”.
You wouldn’t like him when he’s angry.
That means he likes you!
No, Floyd, Dino-nuggets are NOT made from actual dinos
When your mother asked me to pet sit, I was thinking dog or cat.
“Don’t worry, he’s vegetarian.”
… do you think he’d like a Snickers?
I feed him a diet of Parsley, mint, basil, tarragon, rosemary and cardamom.As you can tell keeps his breath fresh, but it also does fill him up so keep your distance.
She gets rather jealous. You don’t wanna know what happened to my last girlfriend.
This is a Chinese dragon, but don’t worry it’s totally COVID free.
Now you’ve gone done and made him mad. I told you not to eat the last pop tart.
“No sense lying anymore. You’re adopted.”
He’s socially awkward but that’s part of his charm.
Look at it this way: There’s exactly ZERO dander problem, so …
If this thing’s vegan, I’m a monkey’s uncle.
Um, I seem to be lost. Can you point me in the
direction of La Brea?
They told me when I got him that he’d grow to be about average size, based on the size of his paws. They also told me he was an iguana, and now here we are.
Have you heard of the Geico Gecko ? Well, this is the IKEA Iguana.
How do you like my ice sculpture?
I know you’re both upset,
but he was here first.
Well of course I’m taking his side, he’s a man eating predator and quite frankly I don’t like your tone either!
Oh, he’s harmless and you eventually get used to that look that at any second he might rip the flesh from your bones, shred your appendages, devour your internal organs, and gnaw on your skull.