Welcome new players and old friends! Here’s how it works: Take a look at the cartoon below and come up with your own original caption and enter it in the “Leave a Reply” space below. Be creative, silly, and have fun. My cat and I will announce the winners on Tuesday, April 14. Enter any name you want, but the email address must be valid. (no-one will see it except for me and my cat.) Check in periodically to see what others have entered. Enjoy!

“‘Why can’t it be a hasenpfeffer?’ you asked. ‘Why does it have to be a Coronavirus pandemic.’ Are you happy now?”
” Well Mike….when one bunny likes another bunny very much…”
Rabbits don’t believe in social distancing.
The Easter Bunny is having a good year!
Does your wife know you’re drinking the rabbits “special water”?
“Looks like your hare gel is working.”
“Ahh the delights of spring!”
“I hate “Bring your Bunnies to Work” day.”
I’m telling you, the trick would be more effective if you wore a top hat.
Working from home has been an adjustment. You were right, putting a tie on has made it feel more office like already.
This is actually a pretty normal Tuesday around here.
Carrot juice,again?
Maybe you should have read the fine print on that hair growth gel you bought last week.
Do you have one I could burrow?
Mister, I think you might want to look at yourself in the mirror before you go out.
I feel this would be funnier with dogs.
I think they’re looking for Watership Down–not Down at the Water Cooler.
“Gee, your hare smells terrific!”
“Listen, I like the new hare-cut, but would you mind sweeping up the old hares?”
“April came so fast. It must be Wednesday…”
The salesman said they were both males!
It’s our way of saying “thank you” to our valued customers.
Maybe you and Gilda should try going at it like sheep instead.
Wrong kind of rabbit ears, Bill. This is still a horrible wedding reception.
Dad, have you started using a hare gel?
So hare today, gnome tomorrow?
No. I’m just more of a tortoise guy.
Buck, I’m warren you, there’s something bunny going on around hare.
Just don’t move… Mr. Sparkles is one of the more aggressive ones.
Mr Fitzsimmons, I’m here to certify that no rabbits were harmed in the making of this cartoon. I have to say I’m not happy about all this mud they’re running about in… not happy at all.
“See the bunny thing is..”
Scented candles are nice.
You know what they say .A hare on the head is worth 15 on the floor.
Wow Bob, I thought you were going for a man bun, but here you show up with a man bunny!
I hate to break the news to ya but rabbits don’t actually lay Cadbury eggs.
That March Hare is so last month!
Decaf. It’s time.
I said to pick a new habit.
Things have been a bit fuzzy in HR lately.
“Let me get this straight…You wanna use sexy pictures of rodents to sell Mr. Hefner’s Men’s Magazine?”
“I had the same thing. Then I asked the barber to cut my hair…sigh…what a mess.”
It’s an acquired taste.
This brings new meaning to “breeding like rabbits.”
You’ve recreated a Duchamp Readymade!
Wow, this hare-tonic really works!!
“Just exactly how are the birds and the bees involved now?”